Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

Pseudo-code from Spinning Up, and accompanying comments for future review. DDPG is an algorithm, specifically adapted for continous action spaces, for learning a Q-function and a corresponding deterministic policy.


(Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient, Spinning Up, Open AI)

  • Idea: We interleave learning a Q-function with learning a policy to “boostrap” us off the ground.
  • Line 2: Target parameters are essentially copies of previous parameters. They’re kept to prevent potential instability in the gradient update on line 13. If the “target” had the same parameters, a possible failure mode might be that we fit the “target” to our Q-function rather than the other way around.
  • Line 4: Noise is added the policy at train-time to maintain exploration
  • Line 7: We maintain a replay buffer in order to stop the Q-function from forgetting how to judge “bad” off-policy states and actions - forgetting such “bad” states can cause the policy to repeat “bad” actions.
  • Line 14: This is the line that makes DDPG specifically adapted for continous action spaces. The idea is that we want to solve \(a^{*}(s) = argmax_{a} Q(s,a)\) via gradient ascent since brute force search is clearly intractable for continous action spaces. But instead of doing gradient ascent everytime we want to perform an action, we train a model according to the objective \(\theta ^ * = max_{\theta} Q(s,a)\).
  • Line 15: In practice, \(\rho\) is often very close to 0